Just for fun I thought I would post a little bit of progressions on a piece I am working for a private commission, the shots take you fromthe intial rough, to a more "completed" rough to an in progress shot of the painting.
The concept was to do a painting based on St. George and the Dragon and use a portrait of a real person as St. George with a few symbolic things thrown in to personalize the image and

The sketch above is the original doodle based on the concept given to me by the clent, very rough indeed......
....here we have a tighter sketch with a few minor changes to the design ...............

..........and here is a small taste of how the image is coming along. The face s blacked out just because of the most remote possibility of the St. George individual some how finding this blog and seeing his portrait in the painting...............would not be cool since this is a surprise gift for them.
If I can ever remember to take the time to take the photos, I will eventually show my whole process on a painting from beginning to end.