Sunday, May 06, 2018


It is no secret that one of my favourite things to do is to sit and relax with family and friends on the front porch. Some days I sit and play guitar or draw and paint. Most of the time I draw and paint....sometimes something good comes out.

Kong is one of those good things. Done over my mornings coffee, for two days, he is the results and not bad results at that. 

Although it is always time well spent, this time was productive and well spent. Taking the time to enjoy, and appreciate the simple things in life is something we should all do. Drawing doesn't really get much simpler than a 2B pencil and a piece of paper..........and sitting on the porch enjoying the company of family and friends is something to really appreciate, and when I can combine the two with is heaven. 

Friday, March 23, 2018


Some days you just sit down and draw, had the most marvelous time with this, just a pencil, a kneaded erasure and a sheet of paper.......

This drawing is for sale, please email for information