The Llama is a camelid.....which is to say a member of the camel family, which includes camels (no brainer there), alpacas, and dromedaries. The llama is the South American version of the camel as it were. They were used as pack animals by the Incas, you can click on the link and read more about them if you want to.
The Llamas all had fabulous cuts or coiffures as a fashion statement as well as a way to dispence heat. These cuts also made for more fun in drawing since I could come up with my own names for the cuts and differentiate the animals by other means than just colour.
I love it! Llamas are so cool. I use to have a farm/zoo down the road from my house that featured them and all kinds of animals that you normally don't see being an everyday american.
Good for you Tracy. This type of drawing improves your skills in leaps and bounds. I wish I could have been there with you. I'm still hoping to eat some of your BBQ and hear you pick! Sounds like a wonderful way to spend an evening.
Along with getting to see my brother and his family, the llamas were cool, and I got to get a lot of doodles in at he function, these were just a few. In college I used to go down to the Atlanta Zoo and draw the critters. I would like to make it to the Indy zoo or the Cincinati zoo, and I think the one in Lexington has a great primate exhibit that I would LOVE to see.
Zoos are a great resource for reference and experience in seeing animals move.
One day soon you will get to enjoy the Q, and maybe some pickin too!
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