Wednesday, February 01, 2012


I  personally cannot say enough about this amazing tool. It is the King Daddy of all the media in my book and I shamefully do not use it enough. I love what can be done with it...........whether it be a simple sketch or doodle.

the beginnings of something else like an ink, watercolour or painting.....

or the full on in your face is the ol' boy at work, and yes he is a work horse, do not deny the might of a pencil or what can be done with one. It is where every great work of art starts, and in a lot of cases ends. Drawing is the foundation of all the arts.

Hooray for the mighty pencil.

( I also just found out my camera has a video option, so look out.......this is the first of more to come )


ATOM said...

Nice,looking forward to more video postings.Good idea blending with your fingers,I generally use blending stumps or tortillons.The difficult thing is keeping it neat.
I'm a left handed messy penciller,
cleaning up kills me.

Tracy Flynn Art said...

thanks Atom,

I had tried the stump thing and just really never liked the feel of them. My fingers happened to always be with me and just seemed natural, I really think there is something to the oils in the skin that make the blending a little more.............. have no idea of what but that is just what I think, conservators might not like it, but it is the way I draw.....

never even considered the complications of being a lefty with any of ya'll have trouble with the bottom left of the page like we do with the right.......what to go there or simply forgetting about it too?